EDream Solution Insight
Solution Insight helps to determines whether an eDream is a good idea based on understanding whether the solution addresses the problem/unmet need of the beneficiaries and achieves the mission of the aspirer(s). Muhammad Yunus was able to effectively develop his Nobel Prize winning solution. It provided a micro-credit solution for the poor village woman beneficiaries by addressing their problem/unmet need of not having access to loans to buy materials to make hand crafted products. It achieved the mission of the aspirer Muhammad Yunus by achieving his dream to improve the world after seeing people die from starvation in Bangladesh.
Solution Overview
The solution overview provides insight into the solution by answering: , why it should be pursued and how it will address the problem/unmet need and achieve the mission.
- What is it? (Description)
- Has it been tried before? Why didn't it work? What's different now?
- How does it address the problem/unmet need?
- How does it achieve the mission?
Incumbant Solution
Incumbant solutions help to provide insight into how beneficiaries are addressing the problem/unmet need today and how the mission is being achieved today. There is always an incumbant solution which could include doing nothing to address the problem/unmet needs. Incumbant Solution Insight helps to answer:
- What is the list of incumbant solutions?
- Which incumbant solution is each beneficiary using?
- What are the issues with the incumbant solutions?
- How does the described solution compare to the incumbant solutions?
Solution Adoption
Solution adoption helps to provide insight into how beneficiaries will adopt the proposed solution. Solution adoption insight helps to answer:
- What will inspire beneficiaries to take action?
- Is the solution easy to try? Is it easy to experience the benefit?
- Is it easy to change or switch to the new solution?
- Does the solution have stickiness with the beneficiary wanting to continue?
- What are the cost and benefits of the solution?
Solution Realities
Solutions are affected by many realities which includes individual human behavior (related to cost, convenience, comfort and control), science, technology, laws, politics and accepted societal practices. As realities change, so does human behavior related to solutions. Solution Realities Insight has to determine how they may impact the solution:
Existing Realities
What existing realities (been around for 5 or more years), related to the solution could become key attributes in making the solution a success?
Example: Existing realities in 1998 that Reed Hastings, Founder of Netflix identified that would be key to making his big idea happen:
- People hate movie rental late fees
- Movie titles were limited to store inventory
- You had to drive to the store to return the video
- You had to remember to return the videos
New Realities
What new realities (been around less than 5 years), related to the solution could become key attributes in making the solution a success?
Example: New realities in 1998 that Reed Hastings, Founder of Netflix identified that would be key to making his big idea happen:
- People were beginning to go online (it was the year Google was founded).
- People began to accept sharing their credit cards online as Amazon and eBay were each 3 years old.
- The DVD was introduced 3 years earlier.
- People liked DVD quality and began purchasing DVD players.
- Reed sold his company the previous year
Emerging Realities
What emerging realities (beginning to be likely to happen), related to the solution could become key attributes in making the solution a success?
Example: Emerging realities in 1998 that Reed Hastings, Founder of Netflix identified that would be key to making his big idea happen:
- Movies (DVDs) were being converted to a digital format
- Forecasters were predicting Video on Demand in the near future
- Cable Modems were introduced the previous year that could replace dial-up to get on internet
- Cable companies were developing broadband internet rollout strategies