Problem/Unmet Need

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Problem/unmet need(s) are what aspirers and/or beneficiaries are experiencing which will be addressed by the eDream and/or the impacting people that can influence the outcome of the Enablement Process. They are opportunities to improve the quality of life for one or more people.

  • Problem is something that is having a negative impact or may be impacting quality of life.
  • Unmet Need is a need or a "well being" improvement opportunity that is not being addressed.

Problem/unmet need(s) are often the reason why the aspirers pursue eDreams, like British inventor James Dyson. When asked by Charlie Rose, on his show on January 17, 2013, about the creartive process, Dyson said "It comes one of two ways, you either get angry about something you're using everyday and want to solve the problem because it doesn't work properly and sometimes we develop a bit of technology and we suddenly realize it could do another job much better".

Problem/UnMet Need Insight helps to determine whether an eDream is a good idea based on understanding the beneficiaries problem/unmet needs that the eDream addresses. It offers insight into the potential impact from addressing the beneficiaries problem/unmet needs like finding other PEZ collectors did for Pamela Omidyar. It also helped Pamela's boyfriend at the time, aspirer Pierre Omidyar, help other beneficiaries like Pamela by getting the solution operational as the founder of eBay.

The types of problem/unmet need(s) include:

  • Personal problem/unmet need(s) - The primary beneficiary is also the aspirer.
  • Loved Ones problem/unmet need(s) - The primary beneficiaries could include the aspirer(s), the aspirer's family and/or very close friend(s) to the aspirer(s). If there is only one primary beneficiary and they are not the aspirer, it would still be categorized as 'loved ones' even though it is singular.
  • General problem/unmet need(s) - The primary beneficiaries include people that are not either the aspirer or could be included in the 'Loved Ones'.

Problem/Unmet Needs are component of impacting realities.