Develop Friendships eDreams

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Develop Friendships eDreams are to develop interpersonal relationships with your functional relationships, social relationships or connections.

The following eDream map lists the common elements that may need to be addressed in order to successfully achieve this dream. Please see topics for additional elements.

eDream Components Elements
#Mission Yes
#Beneficiary #Friends
#ProblemUnmetNeed #Companionship - Aspirer
#MoreLoveConnections - Aspirer
#MoreLoveConnections - Beneficiary
#Solution (The How) #InviteAquantaincesSocially
#BrandReputationResume - N/A
#MarketingPlatform - N/A
#Operational (The What) #AuthorizationsPermits - N/A
#CertificationsDiploma - N/A
#ComplianceLawsTaxes - N/A
#FinancialBusinessPlan - N/A
#HireManagePeople - N/A
#InsuranceRiskAdvice - N/A
#LegalEntityGovernance - N/A
#OperatingFacilityPlatform - N/A
#PurchaseServiceCapital - N/A
Enablement Components Elements
#Decision Makers #PotentialFriends
#Knowledge #SocialActivities
#Funding #PersonalFunds
#Loans - N/A
#Investments - N/A
#GiftsFamily - N/A
#Crowdfunding - N/A
#GrantsPrograms - N/A
#FinancialAid - N/A
#SaleAssetGoodsServices - N/A
#Other - N/A
#PersonalNeeds #DevelopKnowledgeSkill
#PersonalAchievement - N/A
#CareerAchievement - N/A
#EducationCredentialed - N/A
#PersonalHealth - N/A
#IssueResolution - N/A
#PersonalLifestyle - N/A
#PersonalFinances - N/A
#PersonalNetwork - N/A
#PersonalTransaction - N/A
#OtherPersonalNeeds - N/A
#Plan #EstimatedTotalCost