Project Plan

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The Project Plan is a detailed plan of how to make an eDream happen. The project plan expands upon the Plan which is a component of enablement.

The Project Plan is part of the Development process.


Activities are what needs to happen for the eDream to be successful. The details of activities includes the task level detail, people involved, the cost, duration, dependencies on other activities, and resources.

Financial Investment

This is the total cost to make the eDream happen.


The People list provides a complete list of all of the people involved in making the eDream. It also provides a summary of each of the People's roles, level of effort, scope & commitment to understand their entire impact on the project plan.


This is the list of all of the resources that are required to make the eDream happen.


This is the high level timeline with major milestones required to make the eDream happen.

Major Milestones

Major milestones are single events that signify achieving a level of accomplishment, an important event, securing a commitment, completing a major component, goal completion or the overall completion date. Each of the task, subtasks and steps to achieve the milestone are detailed in the project plan.