Commitment Status
From WikiDreams
For each person or community with influence or is involved with an impacting decision, a Commitment Status is establish. It is based on whether they support the overall outcome of the eDream or a major component.
- (5) Commitment Confirmed - The commitment is confirmed by a confirming action (i.e., College Admission Letter)
- (4) Committed - Based on a statement made
- (3) Committed with Contingencies - The commitment was made as long as certain actions are taken
- (2) Supportive - Appear supportive. Awaiting a commitment response and there are no open follow-up items
- (1) Undecided - Aware of the need for the commitment, followup is underway. Awaiting completion of open items.
- (0) Unknown - likely not aware of the need for a commitment
- (-1) Neutral - aware of the need of a commitment, stated they will not support or oppose
- (-2) Opposed - opposed though will not try to prevent it from happening
- (-3) Opposed, Negative - opposed and will try to prevent it from happening
- (-4) Opposed, Disruptive - opposed and has already taken action to prevent from happening