Realities are the fundamental truths that shape how the world, communities and people actually operate. A reality could be the rule of thumb that the speed limit is 72 mph rather than the posted speed limit of 65 on the sign. A reality could be a perception that most people do not like telemarketer calls. People, organizations and communities may have defined beliefs, processes or bylaws to operate, realities are how they actually operate.
Almost every idea, business, product, service or concept that has ever been conceived, has been done without knowing the realities we now know today. The understanding of the Impacting Realities and the Changing Realities may have significant impact on our lives and the success of an eDream.The major categories of realities include:
- Communities - Industrial communities, Organizations, Geographic, Social, Demographic, Perspectives, Social Circles, crowdsourcing,
- Daily Behaviors - what we eat, how much activity we get, how we get to work, what we use out smart phones for, etc.
- Economic - the global, national and local economy, economic conditions, debt, wealth, income inequality, etc.
- Enablement - the ability to make things happen in one's life (family, career, Relationships, Creation, etc.)
- Events & Stories - events such as a natural disaster, war or financial crisis can reshape other realities, stories that can change understand or perceptions of what is possible
- Global - products, services, financial & migration, interconnectivity of economic, political and environment including wars, conflicts, trade, distribution of income & work
- Health - the state and management of physical, mental, functional and genomic health, life expectancy, health care,
- Income & Work - how we earn income to sustain our lifestyle, how we educate for income & work, how we impact our well-being from work other than money
- Institutions - Governments, industries, educational, healthcare, religious and other large organizations
- Leadership - who are the decision makers or major influencers of change
- Marketplace - how we buy and sell goods and services
- Media - communication and sharing of information about each other and world around us (social media, digital media, broadcast media, news media)
- Operating Models - how things operate and get things done based on defined laws, rules and practices across marketplaces, industries, governments, global commerce
- Personal - individual’s own realities (i.e., marriage/divorce, job status, etc.), how they relate to each of the realities listed above and their individual personal well-being.
- Physical Environment - transportation infrastructure, internet, natural environment, House or Building,
- Political - political environment for change within institutions and the organizing groups or coalitions (i.e., political parties).
- Product & Services - the infinite products, services, health, career, personal choices, health insurance, automobiles, cable, power,
- Resources - money, water, natural gas, air, land, oil, diamonds, etc.
- Rules - laws, contracts, agreements or other agreed upon terms. How we intrepret and act in realtion to rules.
- Science - understanding of the physical world, research and studies
- Social - culture, customs, lifestyle & traditions that shape how we decide, interact, live and operate today
- Social Trust - The trust factor of organizations (company, government, non-profit), societies and individuals
- Spiritual - purpose and meaning in one's life, including religious and non-religious beliefs that shape our opinions
- Technology - available technology and innovations
Realities are enablement components that could impact making an eDream successfully happen.
Former Realities (History)
Former Realities are realities that are no longer in place, yet may help explain established, new and emerging realities. History can help explain who we are and why things work as they do today. The reason a reality exists may be because it was addressing a former reality.
Established Realities
Established Realities are realities that have been establish for a period of time (likely 3 or more years). It would be understood by most (likely over 75%) of the people expected that should be familiar with the established realities. They would understand what is really the case or how something actually operates.
New Realities
New Realities are realities that have recently been established (likely less than 3 years). It would be understood by many (likely over 25%) of the people expected to be aware of the new realities. The split would be a result of some people either not recognizing, accepting, understanding and/or experiencing the new reality.
Emerging Realities
Emerging Realities are realities that have yet to be established or may not ever become established (likely within the next two years). They would likely be recognized and fully understood by a small number of people (likely under 25%). Emerging Realities are still formulating and their potential impact is unknown. The forces of emerging reality that drive them to become new realities are:
- Game Changing Event - which can impact existing, new, emerging and future realities
- New Leadership - new election, new leader, new decision makers
- New Science - compelling new science, research or study
- New (Social) Culture, Customs & Traditions - such as black Friday and cyber Monday for shopping
- Compelling Story - can change peoples perceptions of existing, new, emerging and future realities
- New Rules - rules, laws or standards that could propel the emerging reality
- New Operating Models - how things really work changes across marketplaces, industries, governments, global commerce
- New Technology
- New Physical Environment
- New Resources - new money, new discovery of oil
- New Social Trust - positive or negative impact to social trust
- New Personal - while an individual persons new realities may not effect others, it can have a major impact on the person (i.e., loss of family member)
Future Realities
Future Realities are realities that may happen on a widespread basis, limited basis or may not ever happen (likely 2 years or more years away). There are few people (as few as one person) working on making these potential realities happen. The few people engaged in developing these potential realities are driven by:
- Mission - driven to find a cure for cancer,
- Key Insight - driven by a technical, science or perception insight such as Reed Hasting's belief that people are willing to try new video rental service or what is now now Netflix
- Contrarian insight - a contrarian
- Combinatorial insight - combining the generally available information on the internet, mobile phones and cloud computing to produce a new solution or reality