Beneficiary Development

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Beneficiary Development are Development Tracks that may need to be developed to make an eDream happen.

Beneficiary Requirements

Beneficiary Requirements is the development of the minimum requirements that must be achieved or addressed in order for beneficiary(ies) to try and adopt the solution. The requirements are listed in a grid in the Enablement Strategy along with the strategy of you the requirement will be satisfied.

Requirements Definition

These are minimum requirements that beneficiary(ies) require in order to try or commit to the solution.

Problem/UnMet Need Validation/Plussing

Validation the Beneficiary agrees with the Problem/UnMet Need. Determine which Beneficiary(ies) have the Problem/UnMet Need. Plussing the improves the understanding of the Problem/UnMet Need and possibly expand the list to additional Problem/UnMet Needs to address.

Concept Validation/Plussing

Validation the Beneficiary agrees that the concept of the Solution addresses the Problem/UnMet Need and will improve their prosperity. Validation that the concept of the solution is something the Beneficiary would want to adopt. Plussing the improves the concept of the Solution and possibly expand the list to additional Problem/UnMet Needs to address.

Solution Validation/Plussing

Validation the Beneficiary agrees that the Solution addresses the Problem/UnMet Need and will improve their prosperity. Validation that the solution is something the Beneficiary would want to adopt. Plussing the improves the Solution and possibly expand the list to additional Problem/UnMet Needs to address.

Beneficiary Commitment

Beneficiary Commitment is the development of the commitment from the beneficiary(ies) to try and adopt the solution. The plan and approach to achieve the commitment is in the Commitment Plan. It also includes the beneficiary(ies) Degree of Influence over the entire eDream, Commitment Criteria and Commitment Status.

Beneficiary Benefit Acceptance

Beneficiary Benefit Acceptance is the development of the benefit the beneficiary(ies) receive from trying and adopting the solution.

Solution Adoption/Iteration

Beneficiary Benefit/Value Experienced

Solution Adoption/Iteration

Beneficiary Benefit/Value Experienced