Neuroscience Strengths and Limitations
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- Working Memory - (e.g., expert-based custom models - like doctors & lawyers)
- Memory Representations - Classifications
- Shot-Term Memory
- Long Term Memory - recall
- Executive Organization - new knowledge, updates (i.e., no scaffolding or framework makes it hard to place, thus store)
Models & Modeling - including time-based (stories & parables) and environment
- Rules & Simple Models - massive quantity (hard to remember), recall, prepopulate with (RPA & ML)
- Modeling Abstraction
- Encoding Mental Models - including simple explanations of complexity, limits based on Knowledge (i.e., a doctor versus a patient)
- Imagination - complex system models to determine strategy
- Surmise - including regression
- Risk and Reward Assessment
- Prediction - inside/outside data - Tetlock
- Focal point idea (brain focuses on emotion and misses landscape)
Creativity - novel stories, models, connections, theories (i.e., conspiracy theories)
Associations - connections, impacting elements, influences, etc.
- Clustering
Executive Decision Making
- Control
- Regression
- Association
- Classification
- Clustering
- Control