Services eDreams

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These are Creation eDreams related to services as opposed to physical or software based products.

Type Category Subcategory Description Community Community Map
Creation Services Community New community services such as a food pantry or delivering medicine to senior citizens Industry none CC1001
Creation Products - Software Computer Utility Computer utility software that all or mostly resides on the computer such as anti-virus, back-ups, tuning, file management, etc. Industry none CC0902
Creation Products - Software Content Creation Tool A software product tool that helps create images, video, graphics, 3-D modeling or other creative content Industry none CC0903
Creation Products - Software Entertainment A software product for entertainment such as games, videos, or other software design for entertainment Industry none CC0904
Creation Products - Software eCommerce A software product that helps people buy and sell products online Industry none CC0905
Creation Products - Software Media Utility A software product that helps people consume, share or deliver creative content such as images, videos, blogs, etc. Industry none CC0906
Creation Products - Software Mobile App A mobile software application that can be download to a smart phone Industry none CC0907
Creation Products - Software Productivity - Business A software product that helps improve business productivity such as managing financing, customer contact, project management and operations Industry none CC0908
Creation Products - Software Productivity - Personal A software product that helps improve personal productivity such as calendars, reminders, email, word processing, etc. Industry none CC0909
Creation Products - Software Social Media A social media product that provides communities to share, dialog and keep up with people's activities. Industry none CC0910