Marketing Platform eDreams

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These are Creation eDreams related to building a Marketing Platform.

Type Category Subcategory Description Beneficiary Community Solution Community Map
Creation Marketing Platform Business Brand Create a business brand by building a marketing platform to create awareness, conversion and/or distribution. Industry Industry CC0601
Creation Marketing Platform Business Brand Create a creative content brand by building a marketing platform to create awareness, conversion and/or distribution. Industry Industry CC0602
Creation Marketing Platform Business Brand Create a business brand by building a marketing platform to create awareness, conversion and/or distribution. Industry Industry CC0501
Creation Marketing Platform Business Brand Create a business brand by building a marketing platform to create awareness, conversion and/or distribution. Industry Industry CC0501
Creation Knowledge Basic New knowledge that results from basic research that could change how we do things in 5 to 10 years Industry Industry CC0502
Creation Knowledge Understanding A new understanding that results in the change in the way we understand things based on documented research Industry Industry CC0503