Life Domains

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Our level of personal well-being is defined by the pursuit of our dreams, complex goals or big ideas. From the breakthrough innovation of the wheel in Mesopotamia in 4000 BC, to parents witnessing their their child accepting a diploma in 2013, our personal well-being is a culmination of dream pursuits.

They help us achieve personal well-being and for some, they lift personal well-being just a little bit for millions today and even more with generations of tomorrow.

Life Domains Dreams or Complex Goals
Family & Friends Dreams that focus on your family, friends and your home. It could be seeing your child get a college degree, helping a friend achieve a dream or having a summer lake home to share with family.
Relationships Dreams that focus on finding, developing, enriching and stabilizing relationships
Career & Education Dreams that focus on career, college education, becoming credentialed and becoming an entrepreneur
Creation Dreams that focus on creating a new business, building, creative works (art, music), knowledge, innovation, non-profit organization, product or service.
Community Dreams that focus on improving the community or a mission to make things better. Improving lives through advocacy, mentoring, military, political, social or spiritual services.
Personal Achievement Dreams of personal attainment, development, passions, performance and purpose. It could climbing Mount Everest or reconditioning a classic car.
Lifestyle Dreams about lifestyle such as retirement, location/culture, rural/urban, immigration, issue resolution (legal), healthiness, openness/privacy, freedom and spiritual.