Dreams or Complex Goals

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Dreams or Complex Goals are meaningful aspirations or missions that require managing risk, complexity, and many iterations over multiple years to achieve them. The domains of complex goals include:

  • Family & Friends - complex goals that focus on your family, friends and your home. It could be seeing your child get a college degree, helping a friend achieve a dream
  • Relationships - complex goals that focus on finding, developing, enriching and stabilizing relationships
  • Career & Education - Dreams that focus on career, college education, becoming credentialed and becoming an entrepreneur
  • Creation - complex goals that focus on creating a new business, building, creative works (art, music), knowledge, innovation, non-profit organization, product or service.
  • Business Transformation - complex goals that focus on transforming a business to improve businss effectiveness, business efficiency, new markets, product-line or service-line expansion
  • Community - complex goals that focus on improving the community or a mission to make things better. Improving lives through advocacy, mentoring, military, political, social or spiritual services.
  • Personal Achievement - complex goals of personal attainment, development, passions, performance and purpose. It could climbing Mount Everest or reconditioning a classic car.
  • Lifestyle - complex goals about lifestyle such as retirement, location/culture, rural/urban, immigration, issue resolution (legal), healthiness, openness/privacy, freedom and spiritual.